



ホーム > 大学案内 > 教員紹介

ケビン・オットソンKevin Ottoson


役職/職名 講師 所属 外国語学部 英米語学科
ふりがな けびん おっとそん 生年 1982年
学歴 米国ネブラスカ大学リンカーン校教育学部卒業
学位 B.S. (Education and Human Sciences) (The University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
M.A. (TESOL) (Nagoya University of Foreign Studies)
Ed.D (Education Leadership) (University of New England)
研究分野 異文化対応能力の発達と評価、留学、国際共同学習
研究テーマ 異文化対応能力の発達、留学、国際共同学習(COIL/ バーチャル・エクスチェンジ)



題名 単・共 発行日 発行所名 備考
Frameworks for Teaching Culture and Critical Thinking 2024年10月29日 Cambridge Scholars Publishing 査読有
Bradley, N. (2024, Ed.). Classroom Practice and Teacher Cognition: Lessons from the Classroom (pp. 135–149).
Collaboration Online International Learning in the Language Classroom 2024年10月29日 Cambridge Scholars Publishing 査読有
Bradley, N. (2024, Ed.). Classroom Practice and Teacher Cognition: Lessons from the Classroom (pp. 188–203).


題名 単・共 発行・発表日 発行雑誌又は発行学会等の名称 備考
Simple as Do-Re-Mi: Using Body Language to Facilitate the Teaching of Songs 平成23年10月 Vol. 44 (2011): TESL Reporter Full Issue 1&2 (pp. 84-91)
Classroom development of intercultural competence 平成25年8月 JALT 2012 Conference Proceedings (JALT) (pp. 119-129)
Returnee and non-returnee narratives for intercultural understanding 平成26年12月 KOTESOL 2013 Proceedings (Korea TESOL) (pp. 205-215)
Study abroad program assessment through social networking sites 平成27年12月 KOTESOL 2014 Proceedings (Korea TESOL) (pp. 161-170)
Self-assessment of intercultural communicative competence 平成28年8月 JALT Postconference Publication 2015(1) (JALT) (pp. 499-505)
Self-selected topics vs. teacher-selected topics: The impact on fluency 平成29年2月 Korea TESOL Journal, 12(1) (Korea TESOL) 著者:Ottoson, K. & Crane, P. (pp.47-64)
Peer-led Study-Abroad Preparation 平成29年12月 KOTESOL 2016 Post-conference proceedings, (Korea TESOL) 著者: Ottoson, K. & Sato, T. (pp.231-240)
Intercultural competence in pre-study abroad participants: Exploring intercultural attitudes, knowledge, and ideas about intercultural communication prior to a sojourn 平成30年1月 Academia. Literature and Language(南山大学紀要)103 著者: Ottoson, K. & Sato, T. (pp. 269-279)
Positionality: Three perspectives on the experiences of Japanese students on a short-term study abroad program in Thailand 平成30年1月 Academia.Literature and Language,(南山大学紀要)103 著者: Ottoson, K., Croker, R., Hirano, M. & Deacon, B. (pp. 193-220)
Intercultural now?: A Japanese short-term study abroad experience (博士論文) 平成30年9月 DUNE All Theses and Dissertations, 215 (University of New England)
A student-generated list of freewriting topics 平成31年6月 JALT Postconference Publication 2018 (1) (JALT) 著者: Ottoson, K, Wilkins, M.,& Sponseller,A. (pp. 499-505)
Intercultural impact from a short-term study abroad program in Thailand 令和2年8月 JALT Postconference Publication 2019(1) (JALT) 著者: Deacon, B. & Ottoson, K. (pp. 219-228)
Intercultural competence through extensive reading 令和3年1月 Academia. Literature and language, (南山大学紀要)109 著者: Ottoson, K. & Gotoh, M. (pp. 293-307)
Doing a doctorate: Three experiences 令和3年6月 NUFS Teacher Development Symposium Proceedings,1 (Nagoya University of Foreign Studies) 著者: Bradley, N., Ottoson, K., & Tweed, A.(pp. 1-16)
Attitudes on freewriting in the EFL classroom: A study of non-English majors from a women's university in Japan 令和3年12月 児童教育論集第5 (名古屋女子大学文学部児童教育学科)
ISSN 2433-4863
(pp. 67-76)
Enhancing and expanding intercultural learning through collaborative online international learning 令和4年2月 Remote Teaching & Beyond
Selected papers from the JALTCALL2021 Conference, Aomori, Japan (online)
(pp. 91-106)
The impact of learner agency and self-regulated learning in EFL classes. 令和4年2月 International Journal of Social Sciences, 5(2), 著者: Rasulova, M. & Ottoson, K. (pp. 712-717)
Collaborative online international learning in the language classroom 令和4年6月 2022 Teacher Development Proceedings, 2 (pp. 26-41)
Freewriting by hand versus typing: An initial investigation into students' attitudes and performance 令和5年7月 Bulletin of Nagoya University of Foreign Studies, 13 (pp. 15-30)
Frameworks for Teaching Culture and Critical Thinking in the Language
令和5年8月 Proceedings of the 2023 Teacher Development Symposium, 3 (pp. 120-134)
Practical Frameworks for Developing Culturally Strategic Thinking 令和6年2月 Bulletin of Nagoya University of Foreign Studies, 14 (pp. 1-20)


題名 単・共 発行・発表日 発行学会等の名称 備考
Classroom development of intercultural competence 平成24年10月 JALT 2012, 38th Annual Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials, ACT City, Hamamatsu, Japan
Returnee and non--returnee narratives for intercultural understanding 平成25年10月 KOTESOL 2013 Conference, Sookmyung University
Returnee and non--returnee narratives for intercultural understanding 平成25年10月 JALT 2013, 39th Annual Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials, Portopia, Kobe, Japan
Social networking sites for assessing learner growth and intercultural experience of study abroad participants 平成26年6月 JALT CALL 2014 Conference, Sugiyama Jogakuen University
The 2014 Quantitative research training project (QRTP): Partnering and replicating 平成26年6月 LEARN Nagoya, Nanzan University 発表者: Sponseller, A. & Ottoson, K
英語教育・研究における社会文化的アプローチ:ヴィゴツキー発達心理学 に焦点をあて 平成26年8月 The JACET 53rd (2014) International Convention Conference, Hiroshima City University 発表者: Sato, T., Kondo, Y., Mori, A., & Ottoson, K.
Study abroad program assessment through social networking sites 平成26年10月 KOTESOL-KAFLE 2014, Conference, COEX Seoul
Narratives to improve short-¬term overseas programs 平成26年10月 JALT 2014, 40th Annual Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials, Tsukuba, Japan
Intercultural communicative assessment models 平成27年10月 LEARN Nagoya, Nanzan University
Assessment of intercultural communicative competence 平成27年11月 JALT 2015, 41st Annual Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials, GRANSHIP Shizuoka
Peer-¬led study abroad intercultural preparation 平成28年9月 SIETAR Japan 2016 Conference, Nagoya University of Foreign Studies 発表者: Ottoson, K. & Sato, T.
Transformational intercultural leadership 平成28年9月 SIETAR Japan 2016 Conference, Nagoya University of Foreign Studies
Peer-¬led study abroad intercultural preparation 平成28年11月 JALT 2016, 42nd Annual Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials, Winc Aichi 発表者: Ottoson, K. & Sato, T.
Transformational intercultural leadership 平成28年11月 JALT 2016, 42nd Annual Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials, Winc Aichi
Intercultural Now?: Reflections on a Japanese short-term study abroad experience in Southeast Asia 平成28年8月 SIETAR World Congress, Chuo University, Tokyo
A Student-¬generated list of freewriting topics 平成30年11月 JALT 2018, 42nd Annual Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials, GRANSHIP Shizuoka 発表者: Ottoson, K., Wilkins, M., & Sponseller, A.
Benefits of free--writing, low-¬stakes writing tasks 平成31年2月 Foreign Language Education Center-Faculty Development Seminar at Nanzan University
The impact of short-¬term overseas fieldwork experiences on undergraduate students intercultural competence 平成31年2月 Virtual Research Symposium 2019, The College of Graduate and Professional Studies, University of New England, USA (online)
Intercultural impact from short-¬term study abroad 令和元年10月 JALT 2019, 45th Annual Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials, Winc Aichi 発表者: Deacon, B. & Ottoson, K.
Intercultural development through literacy activities 令和元年10月 JALT 2019, 45th Annual Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials, Nagoya, Japan 発表者: Ottoson, K. & Gotoh, M.
Intercultural development through literacy activities 令和元年11月 異文化コミュニケーション学会、第34回年次大会, Tokyo, Japan
Developing intercultural competence through ER 令和元年11月 Notre Dame Seishin University Conference on Intercultural Communication and Community Development
2019, Okayama, Japan
発表者: Ottoson, K. & Gotoh, M.
Practical activities for developing intercultural competence in the classroom 令和2年2月 Foreign Language Education Center Faculty Development Session 2020, Nanzan University
Doing a Doctorate: Three experiences 令和3年1月 2021 Teacher Development Symposium, Nagoya University of Foreign Studies (Zoom) 発表者: Bradley, N. Ottoson, K., &, Tweed, A.
Enhancing intercultural learning through collaborative online intercultural learning 令和3年6月 JALT CALL 2021 Conference (Online)
Collaborative online international learning 令和3年9月 全国語学教育学会 海外留学 SIG Online Conference 2021 発表者: Ottoson, K. & Mi, D.
Expanding opportunities for developing intercultural competence through COIL 令和4年9月 IALIC 2022, Lisbon Portugal
Frameworks for Teaching Culture and Critical Thinking in the Language Classroom 令和4年1月 2023 Teacher Development Symposium, Nagoya University of Foreign Studies (Zoom)
Developing Intercultural Competence of
Secondary School Students in Plurilingual
令和5年6月 10th International Conference of the Association EDiLiC 発表者: Yoshimura, M. & Ottoson, K.
Bridging cultures virtually: COIL’s Impact on University Students in a Japan-China
令和6年10月 OkiJALT 21st Century Language Teaching Conference 2024
The Homestay as a Context for Intercultural Development (Research-Oriented Short Presentation 令和6年11月 JALT 2024, Shizuoka City, Japan



資格・免許の名称 取得年月 発行者・登録番号 備考
Initial Educator's Certificate (Grades 7-12) 2006年5月 State of Nebraska





所属学会及び役員名 期間(年月) 備考
SIETAR Japan Chubu Chapter Program Co-Chair 2017年4月~ongoing


期間(年月) 事項 備考
2017年4月~2021年3月 南山大学 外国語教育センター、専任講師
2013年4月~2017年3月 名古屋外国語大学 外国語学科部日本語学科、外国語担当専任講師
2006年8月~2011年7月 JET Programme, AET/ALT