



ホーム > 大学案内 > 教員紹介

ビビアン・テルクVivian Turk


役職/職名 外国語担当専任講師 所属 言語教育開発センター
ふりがな びびあん てるく 生年 1982年
学歴 English Language and Literature, University of Damascus, Damascus, Syria
Linguistics, University of Damascus, Damascus, Syria
Cultural Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo, Japan
Peace and Conflict Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo, Japan
Methods and Theories in Forced Migration, Koc University, Turkey
Qualitative Data Analysis, Interview & Focus Group Research Methodologies, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Global and Area Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo, Japan
学位 BA in English Language and Literature, University of Damascus
Postgraduate Diploma in Linguistics, University of Damascus
Postgraduate Diploma in Cultural Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
MA in International Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
PhD in Global and Area Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
研究分野 Language Education
Identity Studies
Forced Migration
研究テーマ Child Identity Development and Textbook Design
Refugee Youth Education



題名 単・共 発行・発表日 発行雑誌又は発行学会等の名称 備考
"Syrian Refugees’ Impact on Turkish Communities and Government’s Policies" 2018 TUFS Journal 言語・地域文化研究 第24号


題名 単・共 発行・発表日 発行学会等の名称 備考
“L’Italiano a tavola. Aspetti linguistici e socioculturali” 2006.11 Higher Language Institute, Damascus University, Syria The Annual Conference on Italian Language and Culture, 19-20 November 2006
“Can animation promote the acquisition of English structures?” 2007.4 The Institute of Languages, University of Aleppo, Syria
The Fourth International Symposium on Language and Culture, 23-24 April 2007
“Technology use in Language Teaching” 2007. 4 Higher Language Institute, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan
The 18th International Conference Language, Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 24-26 April, 2007
“Technology use in Language Teaching” 2007.9 Higher Language Institute, Damascus University, 6-8 September, 2007, Damascus University, Damascus, Syria
The 7th International TEFL Conference at the ELT Department, 6-8 September, 2007
“The depth and borders of Cultural Heritage Preservation policy adopted by the Japanese government since the Meiji Period” 2008.11 Japan Foundation, Tokyo, Japan Middle East Group Study Program 2008: Development and Societies, Nov 28, 2008
“The Education of Refugees in Host Counties” 2016.7 Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey
The MIREKOC International Summer School under the title “Forced Migration: Old Phenomenon, New Challenges”, 11-21 July, 2016



教科書名(対象講義名) 単・共 年月 備考
English for Nurses 2006.4 Damascus University Press
English for Engineers 2009.7 Damascus University Press



資格・免許の名称 取得年月 発行者・登録番号 備考
CELTA (University of Cambridge Certificate of English Language Teaching to Adults) 2018.9 Cambridge University Language Assessment Pass A
Cambridge Speaking Examiner 2018.11 Cambridge University Language Assessment Annual recertification with JP026 Center



The International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language
TESOL International
International Association for Political Science


期間(年月) 事項 備考
English Language Lecturer, Damascus University, Damascus, Syria
Medicine and Nursing Faculties
Language Instruction Programme Officer for the UNRWA, Beirut, Lebanon
English Language Lecturer, Arab European University, Damascus, Syria
Engineering Faculty
Programme Officer of Education, Volunteers, and Water Programmes, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Syria Office, Damascus, Syria
Tutor of English and Arabic Languages, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo, Japan
General English and ESP Instructor for Junior Volunteers, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Nihonmatsu Training Centre, Fukushima, Japan
General English and ESP Instructor for JICA experts, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Tokyo, Japan
Research Assistant, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo, Japan
Arabic Language Lecturer, Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan
English Language Lecturer for undergraduate students, Musashino University, Tokyo, Japan
English Language Lecturer for undergraduate and graduate students, Tottori University, Tottori, Japan
Online based


受賞事項 年月 備考
Erasmus Mundus Scholarship to do postgraduate research in Linguistics, Italy
2006.4 2006-2007
The Japan Foundation, Research Fellowship for the Middle East Group Study Program 2008 in Tokyo
2008.11 10-11, 2008
Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship, by university recommendation from Tokyo University of Foreign Studies to participate in an exchange program in Cultural Studies
2010.9 2010-2011
Dublin City University, Research Fellowship in Linguistics to conduct research in Ireland
2011.8 2011-2012


名称 題名 機関名(採択時) 年度 備考
Takase Scholarship Researcher Takase Foundation 2013.3 grant-in-aid to conduct postgraduate research, 2013-2014
Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship, SGU Researcher Japanese Government, Ministry of Education 2016.4 grant-in-aid to conduct postgraduate research, 2016-2019