



ホーム > 外大の気になる特色 > 大学院 英語・英語教育コース(英語教授法(TESOL)プログラム)

大学院 英語・英語教育コース(英語教授法(TESOL)プログラム)

Nagoya University of Foreign Studies (NUFS)
Master of Arts in TESOL
(Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)
Program for Native and Non-Native Speaking Teachers of English

1. Goals

This MA program focuses on site-based application of learning toward the methods. Much research has shown that traditional professional development programs have little impact on teachers’practices because teachers do not have opportunities to apply what they have learned to their own classes. This program features a component of action research so that participants can integrate theory and practice. For this purpose, university teachers will be fully involved in this program, including site-based visits and consultations concerning curriculum development and teaching methods.

2. Characteristics of the program

(1) All classes are taught in English.
(2) The program is open to in-service teachers of English, both native and non-native English speakers.
(3) It includes action research and curriculum development in the workplace.
(4) Classes are practical, including many hands-on activities.
(5) Intensive classes are held on Saturdays every month (four times a semester) in addition to summer courses.

Contact:Professor Sato <yoshi@nufs.ac.jp>(about the program and the classes)

3. Non-degree students course

If you are a non-degree student before entering the program, the amount of money you paid in that period is deducted from the tuition of the second year. Credits you earned as a non-degree student will be transferred to this program. It means you can take this course for three years with the tuition of two years.

Application for admission

Note: There are changes in the course offerings.
Please note that "TESOL Program LIst of Courses" and "Form A" have been replaced. (2025.3.6)

4. Venue

5.Study abroad

Since NUFS has established a student exchange program with Hawaii Pacific University, The University of Newcastle in Australia and Griffith University in Australia, MA TESOL students at NUFS can study in an MA TESL course in each graduate school for one year. The credits earned in each university will be transferred to NUFS.

Optional: Graduate Certificate in TESL from Hawaii Pacific University (HPU)
Those who have studied at HPU for one year will receive a certificate in TESL from HPU.

  Recommended study abroad plan
  April to August (NUFS) - Weekend modules & Summer courses
  September to August (HPU) - Study abroadfor one year
  Sept to March (NUFS) - Weekend modules & Site-based research

6. Faculty

Sato, KazuyoshiBio

Nagoya University of Foreign Studies
MA, PhD, University of Queensland, Australia
Second Language Acquisition, Second Language Teaching, Coordinator for Action Research & Curriculum Design

Kindt, DuaneBio

Nagoya University of Foreign Studies
Ph D, University of Birmingham, UK
MA, School for International Training, USA
Materials Development and Classroom Dynamics, Qualitative Research Methods, Coordinator for Action Research & Curriculum Design

Ottoson, Kevin Bio

Nagoya University of Foreign Studies
EdD, University of New England
MA, Nagoya University of Foreign Studies
Introduction to Action Research Methods, Cross-Cultural Communication, Coordinator for Action Research & Curriculum Design

Takahashi, NaokoBio

Nagoya University of Foreign Studies
Associate Professor
PhD, University of Hawaii at Manoa, U.S.A.
MA, Michigan State University, U.S.A.
Phonetics & Phonology, Morphology & Syntax

Nguyen,Hanh thi Bio

Hawaii Pacific University, USA
MA ,PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison,USA
Discourse Analysis

Matthew T. AppleBio

Ritsumeikan University
MEd, EdD, Temple University, USA.
MFA, University of Notre Dame, USA,
Introduction to Language Learning Motivation

Vola Ambinintsoa, DominiqueBio

Kanda University of International Studies
PhD, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
EdM, State University of New York at Buffalo, USA
Learner Autonomy

Hasegawa, AlisonBio

Rikkyo University
MA, University of York, UK.
Teaching English to Young Learners

Hooper, DanielBio

Tokyo Kasei University
Associate Professor
PhD, Nagoya University of Foreign Studies
MA, Kanda University of International Studies
Sociocultural Theory

Browne, Charles Bio

Meiji Gakuin University
PhD, Temple University at Tokyo, Japan
MA, Temple University at Tokyo, Japan
Teaching and Learning 2nd Language Vocabulary

Shibata, Naoya Bio

Osaka Kyoiku University
Specially-Appointed Associate Professor
EdD, Anaheim University, USA
MA, Nagoya University of Foreign Studies
Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods

7. Curriculum

(1) Students can finish the Program in two or three years (30 credits to graduate).
(2) In addition to 30 credits, students are required to complete a thesis or site-based research.


8. Tuition


9. For application

Application for admission

10.MA TESOL Handbook


Administrative Office of Graduate School
Phone: 0561-75-1740 Fax: 0561-75-1740
E-mail: injimu_gg☆nufs.ac.jp (document request for application) 
Please change ☆ to @ when you send an email.
Graduate School
