



ホーム > CLOSEUPS > 他社との出会い-異文化体験をめぐる旅



Inspired by Difference: A Journey in Fostering Interculturality at NUFS

Department of British and American Studies

Ever since I can remember, I have had a keen interest in other cultures. For most of us, our first exposure to a different culture is a simple visit to our neighbor’s or relative’s home. My grandfather, an agricultural economics professor, frequently traveled overseas for his work and for vacation often accompanied by my grandmother (even into their 90s). Their home was filled with artifacts, artwork, and photographs from their adventures abroad. It wasn’t just the physical objects that intrigued me, but also the practices in their home: “happy hour” gatherings, making lefse (a Norwegian flatbread), carpentry, gardening, sailing, and entertaining guests from all over the world. While these differences may seem small, they were different from those in my home. This sparked a curiosity in me that only grew stronger over time.


This early interest in the outside world and having grandparents who were educators, in part, led me to major in education, with a focus on history. I was fascinated by the lives of people in the past and how their experiences shaped the world we live in today. As L.P. Hartley aptly wrote in The Go-Between, “The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there.” During university, I furthered my interest in intercultural learning by studying abroad twice. These experiences cemented my desire to work abroad.
After graduation, I worked as an ALT in Japan on the JET Programme. Through this, I discovered the transformative power of teaching young people with different perspectives and experiences. This led me to question how to help students better understand and connect with the wider world, particularly those without the opportunity or inclination to study abroad.
This question continues to guide my teaching philosophy today. I continue to strive to create a classroom environment that connects my students to the global community. One of the ways I do this is through Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL). Through COIL, my students collaborate with their peers in other countries on joint projects and discussions. These interactions expose them to diverse perspectives while improving their intercultural communication skills in real-world contexts.
Additionally, I work to internationalize my classes by pairing my students with international students at NUFS. These partnerships allow both groups to share their experiences, build mutual understanding, and learn from one another. Activities such as interview tasks, collaborative group projects, and ethnographic research in the local community help students gain insights into different ways of thinking and living.
I strive to ensure that my students learn about the world and also actively engage with it. Through COIL, partnerships with international students, and collaborative classroom learning, my students gain opportunities to broaden their horizons, develop intercultural competence, and gain confidence in engaging with people from diverse backgrounds. For students who may never study abroad, these experiences offer a valuable window into the world and prepare them to become thoughtful, interculturally-minded individuals.


Of course, I encourage students to take advantage of the study abroad opportunities that NUFS provides. Personally, I love accompanying students on overseas short-term study tours. And I will continue to explore innovative ways to internationalize classes and create enriching learning experiences for NUFS students.
Visiting my grandparents’ house as a child opened my eyes to the richness of small cultural differences, planting the seeds of curiosity that have grown into my passion for education today. The artifacts, routines, and stories in their home were my first lessons in understanding that the world is a tapestry of unique perspectives and traditions. Now, as a teacher, I strive to recreate that sense of discovery and connection in my classroom. Just as those early visits inspired me to explore beyond my immediate world, I hope the experiences I provide my students will spark their curiosity, deepen their understanding of other cultures, and encourage them to engage thoughtfully with others. In a way, my teaching is a continuation of those moments in my grandparents' living room—finding joy in the differences that make us human and using them as a bridge to greater understanding.



英米語学科 ケビン・オットソン
物心がついたときから、私は異文化に強い関心がありました。たいていの人にとって、異文化に出会う最初のきっかけは、隣人や親戚の家を訪ねることでしょう。大学で農業経済学を教えていた私の祖父は、しばしば祖母を連れて(90歳を過ぎても)、仕事や休暇で頻繁に海外に出かけていました。祖父母の家は、海外での冒険から持ち帰った工芸品や美術品や写真で溢れていました。私はそういったものに興味をそそられたのですが、ほかにも楽しいことがたくさんありました。例えば、 「ハッピーアワー」の集い、レフセ(ノルウェーの平たいパン)作り、大工仕事、ガーデニング、ヨット、そして世界各地から訪れるゲストのもてなしなどが挙げられます。小さなことかもしれませんが、自分にとっては普段とは違う異文化体験でした。そのため、それらが私の好奇心に火をつけ、時が経つにつれ次第に強くなりました。
このように早くから外の世界に関心があったことや、祖父母が教育者だったこともあり、私は歴史に軸足をおいて教育学を専攻することになりました。そして、過去の人々の生活や経験が、今日の世界をどう形作っているのかということに魅了されました。L.P.ハートレイは The Go-Between (邦訳『恋を覗く少年』)の中で「過去とは見知らぬ国のようなもの、そこには違う生き方が存在する」という名言を書いています。大学時代には2度留学し、異文化を学ぶことへの関心をさらに深めました。これらの経験を通して「海外で働きたい」という願望はさらに強くなりました。
私は、学生たちが世界について学び、積極的にそれに関われるように努めています。 COIL、留学生とのパートナーシップ、教室での協働学習を通して、学生たちは視野を広げ、異文化理解の能力を養い、多様な背景を持つ人々と関わる自信を得ています。留学したことのない学生にとっても、こうした貴重な経験が世界を知る入口となり、思慮深く異文化に精通した人になるための手助けになるでしょう。