



ホーム > CLOSEUPS > アクティブラーニングの教室へようこそ!



Active Learning in NUFS English Classes!

Department of Global Governance and Collaboration

Hello everyone!

My name is Dan, and I teach English here at NUFS. I’m from the UK, and my hometown is a place called Nottingham (famous for the story of Robin Hood). I came to Japan in 2012 and have been working at NUFS ever since!
NUFS language classes focus on active learning, which means that you learn by using English in your classroom. For example, in my classes there are always lots of discussion activities in pairs or in groups. We have conversations about easy topics at the beginning of class to help us warm up, and then we have deeper discussions about topics related to world issues later in the class.
I’m also really passionate about studying abroad, and I really want to help as many students go to study abroad as possible. I’m always happy to give advice to students for their English tests, or about study abroad, and students are always welcome to come and see me outside of class for extra help and practice if they want to! I really want to do my best to help students achieve their goal of improving their language skills or studying abroad (or both!).
I’ll finish by giving a few pieces of advice for you!
  1. Try to be active in class from your first day. Speak English as much as possible with your friends and teachers.
  2. Make lots of mistakes! We learn by making mistakes, so make many! Your teachers will help you understand your mistake and help you learn from it!
  3. Work hard in your first year! This is a great opportunity to help you reach the requirements for a study abroad programme.
  4. If you have any questions or need any advice, send your teachers an email and ask if you can have a meeting with them!

Thank you very much for reading, and if you see me on campus, please come and say hello. I’ll be glad to talk to you!
Best wishes,



世界共生学科 ダニエル・ラムリー
本学の英語の授業では、英語を「使って」 学ぶアクティブラーニングに重点を置いています。たとえば私の授業では、ペアやグループでのディスカッションを常にたくさん実施しています。授業の初めはウォーミングアップのために簡単なトピックについて会話をし、授業の後半では世界の問題に関連したトピックについて、深いディスカッションを行います。
  1. 学期の初日から積極的に授業に参加してみてください。友達や先生とできるだけたくさん英語を話しましょう。
  2. どんどん間違えましょう!私たちは間違いを通して学んでいきます。何を間違えたのか理解してそこから学んでいけるよう、教員は手助けします。
  3. 1年生は特に一所懸命頑張りましょう。留学プログラムに参加するための語学基準を達成するために、教員が強力にサポートします。
  4. もし質問がある、アドバイスが必要な際は、積極的に教員にメールを送って面談の予約をしましょう。
